Canopact Help Guide

Install Canopact in your Slack workspace and add more users with our guide to Getting Started!
Below are the steps to configure Canopact in your Slack workspace and get started:

1. To start your 30-day free trial of Canopact, click the 'Add to Slack' button at the end of this page, where you will be taken to the Slack OAuth Permissions page.

2. Review Canopact's Slack permissions and authenticate using OAuth by selecting 'Allow'. You need to be one of the administrators of your Slack workspace to do this. If you have any queries on the Permissions or otherwise, reach out to us at or review our Privacy & Security Policy.

3. You should then be directed to a confirmation page. Select 'Back to Slack' to be taken to your Slack workspace, where Canopact should now be installed under Apps.

4. To add additional users, the user who installs Canopact in the workspace should select 'Help Guide' in App Home and then copy the URL to add more users. Send this URL as a direct message to your team members who will be Canopact users. Each of these members will need to authenticate Canopact using this link.

5. Review the Help Guide and the step-by-step guidance for each feature, so that you can quickly become a Canopact Super User!
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